Star-Tribune Endorses Instant Runoff Voting for St. Paul, Minnesota

The Star-Tribune, Minnesota’s largest newspaper, endorsed Instant Runoff Voting in this October 21 editorial. St. Paul voters are voting whether to use IRV on November 3, 2009. Thank to Rob Richie for the link.


Star-Tribune Endorses Instant Runoff Voting for St. Paul, Minnesota — 1 Comment

  1. IRV ignores most of the data in a place votes table — regardless of all of the EVIL hype for IRV.

    How often will a Stalin clone and a Hitler clone be in final top 2 IF IRV is used ???

    The survival of ALL human life on Mother Earth may depend on the answer — regardless of the many juvenile pre-school MORONS on this list.

    P.R. legislative

    A.V. executive/judicial

    pending MAJOR public education about head to head math.

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