On October 21, the Open Source Digital Voting Foundation, a non-profit corporation, announced that it has completed work on freely available open source technology for vote-counting machines. “Open source” means that the software programs would be publicly available, so that any programmer could review it for accuracy and reliability. The corporations that produce vote-counting machines generally keep their computer program a trade secret, which makes it difficult for outside experts to know how reliable it is and how it might be compromised by skillful hackers. See this story from Wired magazine.
SOOOOO complex.
NO OVER-votes.
Inform voter of UNDER votes / NONvotes.
Advanced — legal voting with Number Votes — 1, 2, 3, etc.
COMPUTER PROGRAMMING CHILD’S PLAY in a pre-school sandbox.
This code stuff is one more area that has been mystified by armies of math MORONS — i.e. the many party hack MORONS in the Congress and in State legislatures.
Oh! We had to patch that software during the election, but everything is ok – trust us we’re the government. You want to see the patch? OK. Boy, have we got an innocent looking patch for you. Inspect this!
Here’s a link: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/10/open-source/
The open code base is an excellent idea. It’s the actual control of the software during the election that matters.
How did the U.S.A. manage to survive with PAPER ballots counted by HUMAN eyeballs — before old mechanical voting machines, infamous punch card ballots (FL, 2000), E-voting machines, etc. ???
How about mobilizing ALL available adults on election nights to do some ballot counting — as in the military draft and jury service (actions done to defend Democracy and Western Civilization) ???