U.S. Justice Department Drops Appeal in Euclid, Ohio Case; Victory for Limited Voting

The U.S. Justice Department has dropped its appeal in USA v Euclid City School Board. This means that the U.S. District Court decision of July 13, 2009, will stand. That decision had ruled that Euclid, Ohio, should use Limited Voting for its school board elections. The federal government had brought the suit against Euclid last year, under the Voting Rights Act, to help black candidates, who could never seem to win under the at-large system. But when the city had suggested using Limited Voting instead, a decision the U.S. District Court approved, the Justice Department at first objected and had filed an appeal in the 6th circuit to get district elections instead.

Limited voting is a system in which voters must vote for fewer candidates than are to be elected. Thanks to ElectionLawBlog for this news.


U.S. Justice Department Drops Appeal in Euclid, Ohio Case; Victory for Limited Voting — 5 Comments

  1. The first implementation of the limited vote on November 3 resulted in the reelection of three white incumbents and the defeat of the one black candidate. See this report in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. The fact that all three winners had the advantage of incumbency probably means that we can’t draw any real conclusions about limited voting.

  2. Total Votes / Total Seats = Equal votes per seat winner.

    Majority rule AND minority representation.

    Too difficult for math MORONS — especially in governments — to understand.

  3. Son, it’s not nice to call people morons, especially after you had all those problems in school.

    Now, instead of spending your time here, perhaps you should be looking for a job and an apartment like you promised me you would.

  4. Sorry – D.R. mom was NOT a MORON — but obviously the #4 impersonator is such a MORON (very likely a govt MORON) still wearing pre-school diapers in its rathole under a rock.

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