America Votes 28 Is Now In Print

Ever since 1956, the election returns book series called America Votes has been published after each presidential election and each midterm election. Congressional Quarterly, the publisher, has just released America Votes 28, which covers all federal elections, plus gubernatorial elections, occurring in 2008 and 2007. This volume has 532 pages. For the first time, this volume has a summary table of the leading minor party and independent presidential candidates that not only shows the vote for each in each state, but the percentage in each state.

Thus it is easy to see at a glance that in the 2008 presidential election, Ralph Nader’s highest percentage was in Maine; Bob Barr’s highest was Indiana; Chuck Baldwin’s was Utah; and Cynthia McKinney’s was Louisiana.

There are three authoritative publications that include election returns from each state, not only for President, but for Congress. After each election, there is a volume from the Federal Election Commission called Federal Elections (Year); there is a book from the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives called Statistics of the Presidential and Congressional Election of (Date); and America Votes. But of these, only America Votes has the presidential vote from each county. America Votes also has all the gubernatorial and U.S. Senate elections by county as well. The author of America Votes 28 is Rhodes Cook.


America Votes 28 Is Now In Print — 8 Comments

  1. That is fascinating about Louisiana being Cynthia Mckinney’s best state in 2008. I remember that, in 1992, that state was one of Eugene J. McCarthy’s best when he contested the Democratic Party primary elections.

  2. #1

    Top 5 for Nader: ME, ND, AR, CT, AK
    Top 5 for Barr: IN, GA, UT, TX, WY
    Top 5 for Baldwin: UT, ID, AK, SD, WY
    Top 5 for McKinney: LA, ME, WV, AR, CA

  3. Pingback: America Votes 28 (an election stats publication) is now in print | Independent Political Report

  4. The only presidential write-ins in America Votes are those reported for presidential candidates who were on the November ballot in at least one state. The Federal Election Commission’s book is the best source for presidential write-ins.

  5. Richard,

    Which one state gave the most, by percentage, to third party or independent candidates for President in 2008? Arkansas?

  6. Utah was first, Idaho was second, Arkansas was third, in the percentage of voters voting “other” for president in 2008.

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