Rasmussen Reports Conducts 2012 Poll Including Lou Dobbs as an Independent

Rasmussen Reports released this poll on November 25, asking about a 2012 presidential line-up that includes Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, and Lou Dobbs as an independent. It shows 42% for Obama, 34% for Romney, 14% for Dobbs, and 11% don’t know or other.


Rasmussen Reports Conducts 2012 Poll Including Lou Dobbs as an Independent — 16 Comments

  1. After watching Romney outright lie to his campaign audiences in Iowa, I do not think he will get a good start in Iowa in the primaries. Iowan’s have not forgotten .

  2. Last Updated: November 25. 2009 9:22AM
    Lou Dobbs weighs Senate run in New Jersey
    Associated Press

    Trenton, N.J. — Former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs is seriously considering running for U.S. Senate in New Jersey as “an intermediary step” that could lead to a run for the White House.

    rest omitted.

    A New Age Reagan guy ??? Stay tuned.

  3. “A New Age Reagan guy ??? Stay tuned.”

    No, just a douchebag. But then again, so was Reagan…

  4. That is good that Lou Dobbs and Mitt Romney would split the conservative vote.

    President Barack Obama’s poll numbers are going to go back up. The new administration inherited a very terrible mess from the eight years of Bush-Cheney rule. Of course, the president’s poll numbers have slipped. People are very impatient. The key is for the new administration to get the economy going better again. Whether or not that is even possible in the short run, that is the situation which will most influences poll results.

  5. Ross Levin is pretty much correct. I would say that any polling done now is mostly for entertainment purposes and to give momentary snapshots of what the people are thinking.

    Mitt Romney is still in the Republican Party. He is either a conservative or just a person that wants to be a member of a shrinking political party.

  6. Obama [my Yokohama Momma] is still in the Democratic Party. He just considers ‘change’ to be those loose coins in the sofa cushions. No modification on DoD (Gates), Treasury, Afganistan or Iraq! ‘Looking for change in all the wrong places ………’

  7. Well, Don, what would you do differently about Afghanistan and Iraq? Please explain your positions.

  8. Although Mitt Romney has gone back and forth from moderate to conservative, the moderate wing of the Republican Party is pretty much dead. If Mr. Romney stays in the GOP, that indicates that he is taking the conservative approach. If he wants to be a moderate, he may as well join up with the Democrats.

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