Charleston, South Carolina Newspaper Covers Green Party Hearing in State Supreme Court

The Charleston, South Carolina, Post & Currier has this story about the oral argument in the State Supreme Court, in the Green Party’s ballot access case. The argument was on January 6. A decision is likely in a few months. The issue was a state law that gives a political party the power to go to court and get an injunction to stop someone from campaigning for an office in the general election, if that individual had tried and failed to get that party’s nomination.


Charleston, South Carolina Newspaper Covers Green Party Hearing in State Supreme Court — No Comments

  1. The article presents the case as a “party-loyalty” question, rather than voter choice issue.

    There is a poll connected to the article asking: ”
    Should a political candidate be able to register with more than one party to run for elected office?” Responses are running about 2 to 1 against right now. I encourage SC Ballot Access News readers to click on the link above and participate in the poll.

  2. Thanks for the link, Richard.

    And Scott, thanks. I responded to the poll because you pointed it out.

    Almost by definition, BAN readers believe in opening up election processes. As a South Carolinian who is glad this state allows fusion and who sees it under attack by the Election Commission, I urge all readers, wherever you are, to respond to this poll. Fusion is losing in it (as Scott points out) at the moment.

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