Nebraska Bill to Make Some Initiative Petitions Easier and Others Harder

On January 11, Senator Bill Avery introduced LR 279CA, a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Nebraska. It would make it easier for initiatives to get on the ballot to change a state law, but more difficult for initiatives to get on the ballot to change the state Constitution.

The bill would lower the number of signatures to put a statutory initiative on the ballot from 7% of the number of registered voters, to 4%. But it would raise the number to change the constitution from 10% of the number of registered voters, to 15%. If the bill passes, it would go on the ballot for the voters to pass or reject. Thanks to Ballotpedia for this news.


Nebraska Bill to Make Some Initiative Petitions Easier and Others Harder — No Comments

  1. Because the Nebraska legislature can amend or revoke statutory initiatives after they pass, what this effectively does is make it impossible for the people to pass initiatives that the legislature can’t meddle with, but make it easy to create laws that the legislature can come along and gut the next session. A real champion of the people, this Bill Avery.

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