Two Activists in Same U.S. House District Have Same Name

According to this news story, two individuals with the same name are both active in the campaign for U.S. House in California’s 39th district. They are both named John Smith. One John Smith is a Democrat and the other John Smith is a member of the American Independent Party. UPDATE: thanks to an alert commenter below, who points out that the Democratic Party’s John Smith is politically active in that district, but he is not a candidate.


Two Activists in Same U.S. House District Have Same Name — No Comments

  1. Pingback: 2 Candidates for the same U.S. House Seat have the same name | Independent Political Report

  2. Doesn’t the ballot in California require the profession of the candidate listed by their name? Seems like I recall seeing a sample ballot of California of past years reflecting that.

    Usually, most voters can determine which is the major party candidate and which is not, although a few voters will no doubt vote for John Smith the American Independent thinking they are voting for John Smith the Democrat, and vice-versa.

  3. According to the article, only one is running. The other is helping on the incumbent Democrat’s campaign.

  4. Yes, California is the only state that prints occupations on the ballot, along with party label.

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