Frederic von Anhalt Declares as an Independent Candidate for California Governor

On January 25, Frederic von Anhalt said he will run as an independent candidate for Governor of California. See this story, which explains his platform. UPDATE: Here is his campaign site. No one has used the California independent candidate procedure to get on the ballot for Governor since 1978, when Ed Clark qualified. Clark was not a true independent; he was the Libertarian Party nominee. But the Libertarian Party was not ballot-qualified in California in 1978, so Clark used the independent procedure.

Before 1978, no independent qualified for California governor since 1918, when Theodore Bell qualified. Bell was not a true independent either. He was the choice of the Democratic Party for Governor, and he used the independent procedure because, due to a quirk in California election laws back then, the Democratic Party had no nominee for Governor in 1918. No true independent candidate for California Governor has ever been on a government-printed ballot in California.


Frederic von Anhalt Declares as an Independent Candidate for California Governor — No Comments

  1. If anybody can qualify as an Independent in California, it’s a guy who became a Prince via business transaction and who married Zsa Zsa.

    Or not. Ha.

  2. Yeah, it’s a little humorous, but give the guy a break. This is California, where anybody can follow their dream. His feelings about California’s issues mirror many Olde Guarde social members with whom he associates. Every group has their agenda, so Prinz Frederic is no exception. I say, give him his shot at it. His website is CLASSIC!

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