On February 2, the Maine House defeated LD 56 by a vote of 50-95. It would have implemented the National Popular Vote Plan. The plan has passed in five states, none of them in New England. It won’t go into effect in any state until it has passed in states containing a majority of the electoral college.
That’s too bad. The 17th Amendment largely was passed thanks to lots of states internally deciding to elect their Senators, and I’m convinced that the National Popular Vote Plan is the only way we’ll ever see the Electoral College abolished, or at least made irrelevant.
Sorry – the NPV scheme blatantly violates the Equal Protection Clause of 14th Amdt, Sec. 1 — permitting the voters OUTSIDE of a sovereign State to control election results INSIDE a sovereign State.
Sorry – the gerrymander Congress can NOT violate 14th Amdt, Sec. 1 even if it were to approve the NPV interstate compact scheme via Art. I, Sec. 10.
I.E. NPV is one more New Age MORON scheme dreamed up by New Age constitutional law MORONS.
P.R. and A.V. — to END the party hack minority rule regimes in the U.S.A.