Connecticut Secretary of State Sues Herself to Obtain Decision that She is Eligible to Run for Attorney General

Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz says she will file a lawsuit in state court, seeking a decision that she is eligible to run for Attorney General this year. See this story. She is the plaintiff and the defendants include the office of Secretary of State and the Democratic Party.

Connecticut has a statute that says, “The Attorney General shall be an attorney of law of at least ten years active practice at the bar of this state.” Bysiewicz became a member of the Connecticut bar in 1986, but she stopped practicing law for a living in 1992, when she was elected to the state legislature. She served in the legislature until 1998, and then became Secretary of State.


Connecticut Secretary of State Sues Herself to Obtain Decision that She is Eligible to Run for Attorney General — No Comments

  1. A private/public party suing a public party — who are the same party.

    Any conflict of interest ???

    Plaintiffs should be suing a State legislature in all these types of cases — BUT the MORON courts have plaintiffs sue the State or a law enforcer — adding more to the chaos in the U.S.A.

  2. In the committee hearings on whether Washington should eliminate the county option as to having mail-only elections, there was one witness who was both pro and con. He was representing the Pierce County executive and auditor who favored eliminating the option; and the Pierce County council, who were opposed.

    He started his presentation with an explanation of the pro position. The committee chairman then interrupted him, explaining that the committee traditionally takes testimony from con witnesses before pro witnesses, and directed him to explain the county council’s reasons for opposing the change. After he finished presenting the con position, he then explained the pro position of the executive and auditor.

  3. She should be arrested for fraud. Either she committed fraud signing a form saying she didn’t practice law or she is committed fraud saying that she does. One or the statements is obviously fraudulent.

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