Oklahoma HB 1072, the bill to improve ballot access for minor and new parties, is in a conference committee, which will shape the final bill.
The Senators on the Committee are: Randy Brogdon, Sean Burrage, Mike Johnson, Todd Lamb, Bryce Marlatt, Jim Reynolds, and Mike Schulz. All except Burrage are Republicans.
The Representatives are: John Auffet, Neil Brannon, John Carey, Marian Cooksey, Doug Cox, Lee Denney, Dale DeWitt, Glenn Dorman, Jeff Hickman, Chuck Hoskin, Mike Jackson, Tad Jones, Guy Liebmann, Scott Martin, Steve Martin, Ken Miller, Danny Morgan, Ron Peters, Randy Terrill, Weldon Watson, and Paul Wesselhoft.
Sen. Brogdon can be counted on to support the bill.
Given the current climate around the potential for a conservative third party, do you have any conjectures on how it will be shaped?
Jeannie is out of the bottle and it is only a matter of time before a third party “breaks thru”.
If not, this country is “toast”.
So the two major parties won’t have to worry about winning with 50.1% any longer! Maybe the could focus on 33.4% to 40% for a win. Think about it R’s and D’s.