Delaware Libertarians Nominate Six Candidates for 2010

The Delaware Libertarian Party just held a nominating convention, and chose nominees for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and four legislative seats. See this story. In 2008, the Libertarian Party of Delaware did not run for U.S. Senate (even though it was up), and also in 2008 the party had no nominees of its own for state legislature, although it did cross-endorse two Republican nominees for the state legislature.

Delaware normally wouldn’t have a U.S. Senate election in 2010, but there is a special election to fill Joe Biden’s seat, which is now held by a gubernatorial appointee.


Delaware Libertarians Nominate Six Candidates for 2010 — No Comments

  1. A lot of corporations are registered in Delaware. I wonder…has the USSC conferred sufficient “personhood” on them that one or more might run for these offices? Thomas Cole Du Pont was once a Senator from Delaware.
    Now we don’t need to bother with such silly surrogacy. We can elect the real thing – Du Pont Corporation!

    Seems “reasonable” and “dispassionate” to me.

    Whaddya think, Richard?

  2. I think you have a wad of cotton over your ears. Way back in 1964 the US Supreme Court ruled that corporations have First Amendment rights, when the Court protected the New York Times from a judgment against it in a Mississippi state court for libel.

  3. Hey, Richard, don’t misunderstand me. I’m not going to argue that General Motors should not be accorded their first amendment right to freedom of the press. We agree on that point. Anyone who doesn’t would be pretty silly.

    In fact, I’m applauding, as you did, the USSC’s recent EXTENSION of Constitutional rights to corporations and encouraging them to boldly continue on their quest to put corporations and individual citizens on equal footing in this country.

    A person is a person, after all.

    Or, to paraphrase Jefferson, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with a bit of fascism. It is its natural manure.”

    For instance, do you think meat packing companies ought to be able refuse to have the FDA inspect their plants because it would be a violation of their fourth amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures against their persons? Should corporations be allowed to organize into militias – provided they’re well-regulated, of course?

    Try to keep “dispassionate,” would you?


  4. The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania has nominated Demo Agoris for the special election to fill the vacancy left by the late John Murtha in the 12th Congressional District.

    Mr. Agoris will appear on the ballot with the Democratic and Republican nominees for the May 18, 2010 election.

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