Ralph Nader appeared on Curtis Sliwa’s New York city radio talk show, on the morning of March 9. Here is the recording, which lasts 13 minutes. Nader, who is celebrating his 76th birthday, was asked if he might run for office in the future. He merely said, “I wish someone else would take up that agenda.”
Nader was asked about the Tea Party movement. He said, “Anything in the citizenry that has a pulse is good…the more the merrier, as far as I’m concerned.” He also brought up the Coffee Party movement.
About the health care bill, he seemed to acknowledge that it is an improvement on the status quo, but said it still leaves in place perverse incentives that motivate private health insurance companies to treat their customers badly. He urged people to visit www.singlepayeraction.org.
On Iraq, he said that the cost to the people of Iraq, and the people of the United States, has been staggering, and that “We have to pay attention here, to our country.” Thanks to Frank Morano for the link.
If everyone who ever voted for Nader would give just $1. Just $1. He would have enough to put him on the same monetary level as the two major parties. He could get elected to Congress without any dirty money.
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thots from a Perot/ Perot/ Nader/ Nader/ Nader voter:
under the circumstances, no apologies!