California Primary Ballot Pamphlet Printing Delayed While Disputes over Wording Continue

On March 16, the California State Court of Appeals, 3rd district, issued an order that the California ballot pamphlet printing process be delayed unto further notice. Without the order, the pamphlets would be being printed now. The order was because of the ongoing disputes about wording of some of the statewide ballot measures.


California Primary Ballot Pamphlet Printing Delayed While Disputes over Wording Continue — No Comments

  1. Actually, without the order the “voter information guide” could have been being printed now (though not several hours ago when this was posted). The ballots will be printed in various counties, and that process can’t begin for a couple of weeks, after the Secretary of State sends the counties a list of the candidates certified to run for various offices. In her filings in the Superior Court case, the Secretary of State said that she needed the legal issues related to the ballot language to be resolved by 5:00 pm, Monday, March 15th to avoid delaying the printing of the statewide voter information guide.

    The court order today stopped the printing of “ballot materials containing, any language for the ballot label, title, and summary for Proposition 14” until the court rules, and gave interested parties until 12 noon, Tuesday, March 16th to file opposition to the anti-Prop 14 side’s appeal. Both Governor Schwarzenegger’s office and Senator Maldonado and the Yes on 14 campaign have filed oppositions. No hearing has yet been scheduled; I don’t know whether the courts’ shutdown day this Wednesday, March 17th (one of the scheduled monthly shutdowns due to state budget cuts), will affect the timely resolution of this case.

  2. Will the troopers on the front lines in Asia fighting the ANTI-Democracy BARBARIANS get their ballots on time — to vote and send back their ballots ???

    One more reason NOT to have the EVIL party hacks fight over ballot info at printing deadlines —

    See voter guide for all LEGAL TEXTS.

    CA Proposal 1 or 10,000
    Vote YES or NO


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