South Carolina Green Party Oral Argument Set in 4th Circuit

The Fourth Circuit will hear oral arguments in South Carolina Green Party v South Carolina Election Commission on May 11, at 8:45 a.m. This is the case over whether, when a candidate is nominated at the convention of a ballot-qualified minor party, and then that same candidate also enters a major party primary for the same office, should the first nomination be voided if the candidate fails to obtain the second nomination.

Lawsuits brought by minor parties are pending in U.S. Courts of Appeals, against various election laws of Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina.

Lawsuits brought by minor parties or independent candidates are pending in U.S. District Courts in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, District of Columbia, Idaho, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Washington.


South Carolina Green Party Oral Argument Set in 4th Circuit — No Comments

  1. Eugene Platt had filed for the Democratic nomination prior to his having been nominated at the conventions of the two minor parties.

  2. Yikes. How big are the zillion election databases in the BAN regime — laws, court cases, etc. etc. ???

    How many folks working 24/7 making updates ???

    I.E. How does Mr. Winger manage to go through LOTS of stuff each day and update a zillion lists ???

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