Sacramento Bee Publishes Two Op-Eds on Proposition 14

The Sacramento Bee of March 28 has two op-ed on California’s Proposition 14, the top-two election measure. Here is the pro-14 op-ed of Harry Kresky, a long-time activist and attorney in the group formerly comprising the New Alliance Party, which then became the Patriot Party, and then merged into the Reform Party, and then formed the Committee for a Unified Independent Party (C.U.I.P.) and now holds itself out as the national leaders of the movement to defend and enhance the rights of independent voters.

Here is the anti-14 op-ed of Shawn Steel, a former state chair of the California Republican Party.


Sacramento Bee Publishes Two Op-Eds on Proposition 14 — No Comments

  1. But why does CUIP want to make it tougher for third parties, especially if their members themselves were once in a third party?? Even if they think that the tactic of working for a third party is a waste of time, why not just ignore third parties? Why actively try to get them off the ballot?

  2. The top two scheme is just a nuclear IED (Improvised Entrenchment Device) for the failed dominant parties.

  3. Why does Steel refer to Abel Maldonado as “liberal Republican senator”. Isn’t Maldonado Governor Schwarzenegger’s choice for Lieutenant Governor whose appointment is being blocked by legislative Democrats?

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