Next Stage of California American Independent Party Internal Lawsuit

The next step in the American Independent Party lawsuit over the identity of the actual state officers, King v Robinson, is that the Defendants will answer the Complaint on or before April 5, 2010. In a civil lawsuit, the “answer” is the initial response of the Defendants. Its purpose is for the Defendants to say whether they agree or disagree with the allegations contained in the Plaintiffs’ Complaint. The Complaint was filed over a year ago. UPDATE: an earlier version of this post said the answer is due April 25, but the commenter below is right and the answer is due April 5.


Next Stage of California American Independent Party Internal Lawsuit — No Comments

  1. Richard,

    The above is incorrect as to the next stage of the lawsuit. I am now in transit to Arizona, so I will
    have to post more later.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  2. Mark kindly telephoned me to say that, actually, the complaint must be answered in 10 days. Apparently Solano County has a stricter time limit than other places.

  3. Now the rodents, MarkRat Robinson and Mark Seidenrat, are really up against the wall. They will be forced to tell the truth or suffer the consequences of perjury. I predict that they will continue to lie since they are psychologically and spiritually unable to tell the truth. They have lied all along and that is all that they know how to do. They will keep doing that with the idea that legal technicalities will continue to save them as they have in the past. If they actually tell the truth they will instantly kill any possible defense simply because their actions are/were indefensible. Hence it will be automatic that they continue to lie even when under threat of prosecution for perjury.

    Don J. Grundmann, D.C. Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  4. Pingback: Next stage for California AIP internal lawsuit | Independent Political Report

  5. —– Original Message —–
    From: Edward C. Noonan for US Senate
    Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 12:30 AM
    Subject: Re: Debate challenge from Don Grundmann

    Mr. Grundmann:

    As I once told you when you were sitting in my shop and you were running for President 2008, I accused you of being a inefficient candidate, a horrible campaigner and you did even less as a AREA DIRECTOR and a County Chairman. I told you before the Kansas City National Committee Meeting that you had done a poor job as a Presidential candidate.

    Even today, you make the amusing claim of being the “VICE CHAIRMAN” of the American Independent Party. For the last two years, you and your “so-called” Chairman, Jim King have done a lousy job with court proceedings…you and Mr. King have bumbled your way for the last two years and have not a single court win to your credit. You both sued me in 2008 and I prevailed.

    You libel me and say I filed false documents. You libel me and say I committed Grand Theft. If you had proof and evidence of such crimes I would be in jail…yet instead, your court maneuvering is going nowhere!

    FAKE VOTE? How about you and your mutineers using a REPUBLICAN WOMAN OF THE YEAR (Rayna King) as an officer of the American Independent Party that you all used as a vote against me.

    And too, let us re-examine the start of this whole mess by you mutineers. Here is one of the ORIGINAL whinings against me:

    —– Original Message —–
    From: JIM KING
    Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 5:25 PM
    Subject: Los Angeles County Central Committee Resoloution 05/01/07 – AIP

    Whereas, the State chairman of the American Independent Party has recently appointed an individual of dubious background and credentials, a person named D. Clark to be San Diego County chairman, and,
    Whereas, this person has appropriated to himself a ridiculous and unscriptured religious title, i.e. “Ambassador to Christ” further bringing the party disrepute, and
    Whereas this person has appointed another individual of equally unsavory background to be Communications Director for San Diego County, and
    Whereas, one or both of these individuals recently appeared at the U.S.-Mexico border and vandalized the property of illegal aliens, causing the Party too be accused of a “hate crime” and opening the party to a possibility of a lawsuit, now therefore be it
    Resolved, that the State chairman Ed Noonan, be admonished to revoke these two appointments, and reappoint Nancy Spirkoff, or a person of equal good will and loyalty, as the replacement chairman.

    Ordered this first day of May 2007 by the Los Angeles County Central County Committee.

    Ted J. Nicholoff, Chairman

    Jim King/Candidate for California State Lieutenant Governor-2006
    You are invited to support and vote for Jim King. Campaign slogan:
    Taxes are too high, Government is too big & Human Life is invaluable.
    Campaign office: 2877 Woodwardia Drive, Los Angeles, Ca. (90077)
    Phone: 310-968-5723 Fax: 310-388-0669
    E-mail: Jim King443@

    I know you are too mentally challenged to understand the fallacy of your actions (your mutineer group). First of all, I am under no legal requirement to follow TED J. NICHOLOFF’s “orders.” He was a incompetent chairman of Los Angeles, and was supposed to get a Central Committee of over 80 souls. He barely had 5. He did NOTHING in the 2006 elections, did NOTHING while I was the State Chairman in 2006-2008 so his “orders” to me were of little consequences. This L.A. County “Resolution” had little force of law.

    And it is all about Nancy Spirkoff anyways. I refused to be ORDERED AROUND by her and this was my downfall. Ms. Spirkoff violated the Elections Code by trying to fill a “second term” contrary to law. Mr. Gary Odom became her political pimp and thus the Constitution Party became involved. The Constitution Party tried to overthrow the American Independent Party…so we removed ourselves from them.

    Elections Code 7640. The chairperson of this committee shall serve a two-year term, but shall not succeed himself or herself.

    And the stupidity of it all. The two people you refer to in the “Resolution” above is laughable. Dion Clark helped Diane Templin YOUR CANDIDATE FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL get signatures…basically he was working for YOUR GROUP. Secondly the second person you charged me in your “Resolution” helped NIGHTENGALE get her signatures as well…JEFF SCHWILK! If both of these horrible thugs were so bad…why are they working in YOUR CAMP now? (Jeff Schwilk is on YOUR WEBSITE with a testimonial next to your other mutineer testimonies.)

    And where did ANN THOMAS get the authority to call a State Committee meeting? The bylaws say ONLY THE CHAIRMAN CAN CALL A MEETING. But I did call a meeting and you morons went to a phony meeting in LA.

    Elections Code 7570. The state convention shall meet biennially, at a location designated by the state central committee, at 10 a.m. on a Saturday following the direct primary election, but in no event later than August 15.

    Elections Code 7575. The convention shall be called to order by the chairperson of the state central committee at 10 a.m. of the day designated for the convention. It shall at once roceed to the election of a chairperson. The election shall be by alphabetical rollcall, if requested by a petition signed by 50 members. The convention shall elect other officers as the convention may determine.

    7635. The chairperson of this committee shall call the committee to order at 10 a.m. on the day of first meeting. The next business in order shall be the election of a temporary chairperson, which may be by acclamation, unless there is a contest, in which event the roll shall be called.

    Ann Thomas had no authority under the Elections Code to chair, and call meetings of any sort.

    No, Mr. Grundmann…it is you who have criminally interferred with the operation of the American Independent Party. Everything I have done, was in compliance to the Elections Code…YOU HAVE NOT!

    Regardless, now to the matter you speak of in your email…

    You have challenged me to a SENATORIAL DEBATE. This is really amusing. The Crackpot Constitution Party leader chastized me in 2008 for attempting to get a debate going among the Candidates running for Governor. I wanted one between Reps, Dem and Independents… But Odumb thought that was a horrible idea. So you mutineers just had a Governor’s debate in S. Cal with NIGHTENGALE, AND THE REPUBS and DEMS?

    Mr. Grundmann, you buffoons couldn’t organize your way out of a wet paper bag.

    I accept your idiotic DEBATE challenge on the following conditions:

    You want a debate? Fine! I will debate your lilly-white-behind if you can prove you can organize a debate. I don’t believe you could even get a dozen homeless people together if you promised them a ham sandwich! Debate? Ok, get a minimum 5,000 people together! Charge $20 a pop! We will split 50/50. And seeing that you still owe Mark Seidenberg money you wagered with him, you must pay me my half up front.

    Since we both live in Northern California, then the debate must be up here.

    YOU PAY THE COST. Therefore, you get 100% of everything over 5000 in ticket sales.

    I am safe because I don’t think you or your mutineers can raise a penny for campaigning or the party. Yes, I am saying you all are worthless and incompetent.

    Mr. Grundmann, you ain’t got it. There is no way you and your mutineers could sell 5000 tickets, nor raise any money for campaigning. You challenged me to a debate, but you aren’t competent enough to run/debate for office. SO PROVE ME WRONG!

    And too, I’d wipe you up in a debate. You are a dork!

    Edward C. Noonan
    For US Senate 2010

    Former 2006-2008 State Party Chairman – American Independent Party
    —– Original Message —–
    Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 8:07 PM
    Subject: Debate challenge from Don Grundmann

    Mr. Noonan – With this letter I issue an official debate challenge to you regarding the upcoming primary election for United States Senate candidate of the American Independent Party. Said debate will be filmed and recorded for placement upon YouTube and all other possible outlets so that American Independent Party voters throughout the state may see the debate at their convienience.

    Of course you may be assured that in such debate I will highlight your actions as the most corrupt Chairman in the history of the American Independent Party, your role in deliberately filing false documents with the California Secretary of State office in order to deceive that office regarding the true status of the American Independent Party, your associated support for and aid in committing the crime of Grand Theft fraud against the Party, and your cowardice in betraying the Party to the corrupt elements which are currently attempting to destroy both the Party and the 3rd party conservative movement in the nation as a whole. Your cowardice will be especially noted in conjunction with the fake ” vote ” which you performed in order to deceive the Secretary of State office in order to advance your criminal activities.

    As a self-proclaimed candidate to be the representative of the American Independent Party for the office of United States Senator you should welcome the chance to debate your primary opponent. My prediction is that your characteristic cowardice will take priority and that you will refuse to debate since you know that to do so would expose your criminal actions, your criminal and sociopathic character, and especially open you and your criminal co-conspirators to legal action and appropriate punishment for your actions when such are exposed in the debate. In regard to this you can be assured that I will use the debate to advance both current and future civil and criminal actions against you and your criminal companions. In short the debate will expose you, to both American Independent Party voters and any juries involved in ongoing or future legal proceedings, for the cowardly and treasonous liar that you are.

    Your mere so-called candidacy brings immense shame upon the American Independent Party for having such an openly criminal and corrupt person such as yourself claim to represent the party in any way. By your criminal Chairmanship and your fraudulent ” candidacy ” you and your ultra corrupt criminal co-conspirators have lowered the beyond honorable name and reputation of the American Independent Party into a below the bottom of the barrel position of shame, disgrace, and ridicule within the political dialogue of our nation. Rather than holding the spotless position which the party has always maintained in the political scene of our state and nation our Party is now, due to you and your personal corruption, rightly portrayed as the most corrupt political party in the state if not the nation.

    I look forward to your refusal to debate as public confirmation of the cowardice you so often and continuously display.

    Don J. Grundmann, D.C., M.H., C.C.S.P., C.C.E.P., FICPA
    425 E. Merle Ct., San Leandro, CA. 94577 San Leandro, Ca. 94577
    Director – San Francisco Bay Area Freedom Law School
    Director – American Warrior Ministry
    2010 Candidate for United States Senate TRUTHUSA.ORG
    Vice-Chairman American Independent Party; Constitution Party CA affiliate
    Constitution Party National Committee member
    Office – 510-8956789
    No direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US Supreme Court rulings in CHAS. C. STEWARD MACH. CO. v. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 581-582(1937)

  6. The attempted hijackers of the AIP who keep presenting themselves as “constitution Party” members have been blown away by politcal forums who do not wish them to participate due to their radical approaches. There is a member of this group with a serious criminal background of which they are hiding…and before elections they should come clean or be embarassed and also embarass the AIP which they wish to take over. Opportunists and fakes…a real rag tag bunch…with ZERO money to even be a viable entity. Disgraceful and immature beyond belief.

  7. For readers of this thread be aware that ” Barry winthrop ” of above comment #8 is in reality Mark Seidenberg; an ultra corrupt Republican Party political mole who writes under various fake names and whose personal corruption is documented at Each sentence of the above screed contains at least one lie and for those aquainted with the corrupt Seidenberg such actions are entirely in character. Seidenberg deliberately filed false documents with the California Secretary of State office in order to commit Grand Theft fraud against the American Independent Party. His ultimate purpose is to destroy the 3rd party conservative movement in our nation leading to the New World Order and Globalization supporting Republican Party, his benefactors and handlers, as the only ” conservative ” party left standing.

    Don J. Grundmann, D.C. Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  8. TO: Barry winthrop,

    Thank you for your comment.

    The AIP Chairman filed a demurrer to the complaint in KING v. ROBINSON. Hearing is set for August 25, 2010
    at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 2 of the Solano Superior Court,
    Fairfield, CA.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party.

  9. Ed, you are a disgusting apostate and Janine, Joel, and the other Latter-day Saint constitutionalists here, in Utah and elsewhere think you are a political saboteur and a traitor, as well as a horrible excuse of a Mormon, which you truly are.

    You falsely claimed that the CP NEVER elected anybody to office ever, as one of the main reason why you guys broke away from the CP- when that in fact is a outright lie, since the Party has been electing people to local offices since the late 90’s. Therefore you are either the worst liar there is, or completely incompetent to be in politics.

    It’s also sad how the Jim King faction has put forward more candidates then your side has.

    For what you have done politically the past 2 years, you have pretty much soiled your sacred garments.

  10. And Ed, stay the hell out of Nevada!
    Your Gadianton Robber personality doesn’t need to pollute our state any further!

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