Libertarians Sue California Over Residency Requirement for Circulators

On April 2, the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County filed a federal lawsuit against certain California election laws that don’t permit petition circulators to work outside their home district or county. The case is filed in the Central District, in Los Angeles. Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County v Bowen, case number not yet assigned. The court won’t receive the paperwork until April 5. UPDATE: the case number is 2:10-cv-02488-PSG. It was assigned to Judge Philip S. Gutierrez.

The lawsuit was filed by the same law firm that won a 9th circuit ruling in 2008 against Arizona. That case, Nader v Brewer, struck down Arizona laws that did not permit out-of-state circulators to work in Arizona. California, like Arizona, is in the 9th circuit.


Libertarians Sue California Over Residency Requirement for Circulators — No Comments

  1. How many hoards of illegal foreign folks are circulating petitions in CA — the petition capitol of the world ???

  2. The case we won in Oklahoma 2 years ago – I was one of the two plaintiffs – should have some bearing on this. My lawyer said that henceforth after the ruling out-of-state petitioners were legal in the entire 8th District (Mountain West). But he also believed it would apply to the 9th District, Pacific Coast.

    Look into it. I’d be happy to help.

  3. Eric is right; there have been many victories on this issue recently. Oklahoma is in the 10th circuit, where we won. The other circuits where we won are the 2nd, 6th, 7th, and 9th. The one circuit in which we have lost is the 8th. That loss (only concerning out-of-state circulators) was the 1999 decision from North Dakota called Initiative & Referendum Institute v Jaeger. The North Dakota ruling did not use strict scrutiny, but all the others did. It is possible to differentiate North Dakota from all other states because North Dakota has no voter registration, so at least everyone in North Dakota can circulate.

  4. What century will the party hack Supremes note the State Electors – Nation State connection for ALL petition stuff ???

    i.e. Area Electors. Everybody else is an ALIEN.

    Sorry – Any 1st Amdt petition for redress of grievances AIN’T the same as petitions for ballot access, ballot questions, etc. — regardless of the various mindless SCOTUS opinions on the subject.

  5. #4: Aliens are supposed to be enumerated for purposes of representation. Why should not circulate petitions? Why not ballot access petitions, so long as they exist? Petitioning is not the same as voting. Many aliens will become citizens. Why not allow them to integrate into the political system with some participation like circulating petitions to, for, by and of citizens?

    Thanks for not using the M-word.

  6. #5 Folks illegally in ANY regime are ENEMY INVADERS — NOT to be counted in any Census — more properly to be arrested and deported ASAP.

    Note the 21 plus male citizens of the U.S.A. in 14th Amdt, Sec. 2 — NOT all males (legal and illegal).

    This elector – voting – petition – census stuff is only difficult for the party hack SCOTUS MORONS.

    P.R. and A.V. — with a census meaning about zero.

  7. Even naturalization stuff is now very highly conditional — on the persons being legal in their actions / omissions until they pass on.

    — i.e. commit any major felony = lose naturalization status = get deported.

    Standard note — the Constitution is NOT a suicide pact.

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