New Mexico Supreme Court Puts Candidate on Democratic Primary Ballot

New Mexico holds its primaries on June 1. On April 21, the New Mexico Supreme Court ordered that Kerby Johnson, a candidate for Magistrate in Aztec, be restored to the Democratic ballot. The Court said it would explain later. Johnson’s petition had been challenged, but the challengers had not served him personally. Instead, they had postally mailed notice of their challenge to him. The basis for the decision, restoring his name to the ballot, is that he should have been served personally. See this story.


New Mexico Supreme Court Puts Candidate on Democratic Primary Ballot — No Comments

  1. In Minnesota major party candidates have a pretty easy primary filing process. We do not have formal party registration. We have had anywhere between 3 – 4 major parties over the past decade or so.

    A resident who meets the legal requirements to hold a particular office and agrees to support most of the party’s candidates in the upcoming election can file in the DFL, GOP or IND primary with a fee or petitions.

    It has not caused too much chaos or confusion. The ballots are very rarely overcrowded and their is a spot of healthy competition and choice when several candidates on in the race.

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