New York Lawsuit Likely to be Filed to Force Special U.S. House Election

On March 8, New York U.S. House member Eric Massa resigned from his position. He had been elected from the 29th district in November 2008. That is the district in the southwestern corner of the state. Massa was a Democrat.

Since then, New York officials have said they will leave the seat empty until it can be filled in November 2010, because a special election would cost too much money. Under the Constitution, a House seat cannot be filled in any way except by a vote of the people. See this story, which says that a lawsuit to force a special election will be filed next week.


New York Lawsuit Likely to be Filed to Force Special U.S. House Election — No Comments

  1. I know the people who are complaining won’t have to foot the bill for this special election, but they should if money is the problem.

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