U.S. Supreme Court Ponders Ex-Felon Voting Case, Doesn't Decide Either to Hear it or Not

The U.S. Supreme Court held a conference on Friday, April 23. One of the cases considered was Simmons v Galvin, 09-797, the case from Massachusetts on whether the Voting Rights Act applies to the question of whether felons and/or ex-felons may register to vote. The Court did not decide whether to hear this case or not, and will consider that question again at the April 30 conference.

If the Court takes the case, it will be the first time it has taken a case on ex-felon or felon voting rights since 1985.


U.S. Supreme Court Ponders Ex-Felon Voting Case, Doesn't Decide Either to Hear it or Not — No Comments

  1. Since when did the 15th Amdt magically change the criminal EXCEPTION language in 14th Amdt, Sec. 2 ???

    This is the New Age of MORON lawyers trying to turn political-legal history inside out and upside down.

    How many folks want convicted murderers, home invaders, Ponzi-Madoff robbers, rapists, child molesters, etc. voting [for anything] ???

    CRIME and PUNISHMENT. SOOOOOOO difficult to understand for party hack Supremes with a certain political brain disease.

  2. I look at it like this upon release felons have to pay the same taxes as everybody else, state and federal as well as live by the same laws as others, so why should they not be able to vote? Do you really think that they could ELECT SOME CRIMINAL MASTERMIND AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD?

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