Constitution Party Places Candidate in Florida U.S. Senate Race

The Florida Constitution Party is running Bernie DeCastro for U.S. Senator. See this story. He will be the first Constitution Party candidate for any statewide office on the Florida ballot (other than the party’s presidential candidates).

The Constitution Party attempted to run Daniel Barker for U.S. Senate in Florida in 2006, but couldn’t raise the filing fee that year.


Constitution Party Places Candidate in Florida U.S. Senate Race — No Comments

  1. Sounds like this candidate will take votes a way from the Libertarian candidate, who seems to have the qualifications to win if the Libertarian candidate can get the money rolling in.

  2. Well, the Constitution Party and the Libertarian Party actually have some many disagreements over civil liberties issues, church-state seperation issues and constitutional law.

    One party wants smaller government but also wants to erect a Christian theocracy…One party wants a smaller, secular government where hoookers and crack cocaine is sold at the local grocery store….

    I always wanted to see a debate with these two parties because I imagine it would be highly entertaining to watch.

  3. I was born in the Ron Paul district and am one of the four thousand babies every always mentions. I am actively working on Bernie DeCastro’s campaign. Bernie’s positions mirror those of the Libertarian Constitutionalists. I would not support Him if he believed in setting up a “theocracy”. You morons should look up someones record and call or inquire before you make stupid opinions passed as facts. DeCastro does not believe in any social issues being decided on the National level and has been working very hard on the Tenth Amendment issues down here is florida. The only difference between Snitcker and DeCastro is that DeCastro has a bus and will travel the entire State talking about the issues. We also have a lawyer on our side that will work to see DeCastro gets into the Debates. We are going to be well financed and we are running a serious campaign to win. If anyone would like to work with us or wants to possibly travel the state with Bernie on his bus please call me at (352)525-0574.

  4. Let me also address the Rubio, DeCastro difference for a moment.

    9-12 Pledge

    Rubio-Refuses to sign
    DeCastro- Signed and sent in, listed on the website

    Personhood Amendment:

    Rubio- will not support in the Senate
    DeCastro- will be one of the sponsors of this in the Senate

    UN Agenda 21:

    Rubio- used Sustainable devolpment while speaker
    DeCastro- opposes all UN charters, wants us out of the UN

    Tenth Amendment Center pledge:

    Rubio- Refused to sign it
    DeCastro- Signed it, sent it in, on the website

    this is just a sample. Oh , and by the way Bernie has been vetted by three tea parties already, where Rubio refuses to talk to any tea party group.

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