Former Congressman Joins Constitution Party

Virgil Goode, a former member of the U.S. House from Virginia, has joined the Constitution Party. See the exclusive report at www.independentpolitical report. Use this link. Thanks to Trent Hill for alerting me to IPR’s exclusive story.


Former Congressman Joins Constitution Party — No Comments

  1. Vaughn,

    There was a rumor Goode might join the CP for the rest of his term after it was discovered he’d be losing his seat. This would’ve been much bigger news, of course.

  2. Well, he turns traitor on the Democrats, and then he betrays Republicans. The guy obviously has no party loyalty.

  3. Centrist Dem Chris,

    Party loyalty? No, I suppose you’re right. But that’s something most people would praise–he isn’t beholden to parties, that’s a good thing.

  4. Goode was a Democrat, then an independent, then a Republican, and now he’s a member of the Constitution Party.

    Maybe he’ll try the Libertarians next!

    I remember watching the debate on C-SPAN of Virginia’s 1994 Democratic primary candidates for US senator. Charles Robb (D) was the incumbent, and Goode was one of his Democratic opponents.

  5. Apparently Goode still considers himself a member of the GOP too. He’s saying he doesn’t see the two as mutually exclusive.

    He’s in Virginia, so there is no party by registration.

  6. Pingback: Former Rep. Goode Comments On Joining CP and November Election | Independent Political Report

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