On June 1, the New York State Senate passed S3584B by a vote of 32-29. It lets municipalities use Instant Runoff Voting for their own elections if they wish, in 2011, 2012, and 2013. Here is the bill.
On June 1, the New York State Senate passed S3584B by a vote of 32-29. It lets municipalities use Instant Runoff Voting for their own elections if they wish, in 2011, 2012, and 2013. Here is the bill.
IRV = THE method to elect Stalin/Hitler extremists when the Middle is divided — par for the course in New York.
The bill hasn’t reached final approval. Hopefully lawmakers will put in requirements for public hearings so that citizens can have a chance to debate pros and cons.
Lawmakers should also allow any “volunteers” to have an “escape clause” in the event that there is no federally tested and certified software to tally IRV, and in the event that the city learns that it cannot afford the costs associated with implementing IRV.
The legislation requires that voters write numerals next to each candidate’s name. Presumably, the ballots will be hand counted. The cities should draft voters to count the ballots.