According to this story, North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger has agreed to list Joshua Voytek on the November 2010 ballot as the Libertarian Party nominee for Public Service Commission.
Voytek sent his candidacy forms to the Secretary of State’s office in early April, but although they were received in that office, they were inadvertently misfiled, and Voytek was left off the Libertarian primary ballot. The error was discovered in late May, after the primary ballots had been printed. The Secretary of State consulted with the Attorney General, and they agreed that since he was the only person running in the Libertarian primary for that office, he would be deemed to have been nominated. Thanks to Edward T. J. Brown for the link.
The MORON regime does NOT send proof ballots to candidates ???
Keep suing the EVIL MORONS to bankrupt more and more of them — until they learn a lesson — holding elections is one of the very few things that MUST be done in the U.S.A. —- i.e. to be treated as *national security* events with ALL the safeguards and checklists involved.
For a long time, before the Australian ballot, parties would come up with their own ballots. I propose the return of party-sponsored ballots, possibly with a color code in there to differenciate from other parties.