Law Professor Criticizes U.S. Supreme Court Opinion in Doe v Reed for Leaving so Many Unanswered Questions

Moritz College of Law Professor Dale A. Oesterle has this interesting commentary on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Doe v Reed.  Oesterle does not so much take sides in the case, as to point out the unclear legal standards set forth in the decision.  Doe v Reed is the case from Washington state on whether governments should release the names and addresses of petition signers to the public.

Among the unanswered questions, according to Oesterle, is whether the principles set forth in the case apply to petitions other than referendum petitions.  He is especially curious about whether the analysis would apply to recall petitions.  Recall petitions, more than any other petitions with legal affect, are closest to voting, and the nation has a strong tradition for the last 120 years that voting should be secret.

As Oesterle notes, the case is not finished, and now returns to U.S. District Court in Washington to decide if names and addresses from the particular referendum petition that caused the case should be released to the public.


Law Professor Criticizes U.S. Supreme Court Opinion in Doe v Reed for Leaving so Many Unanswered Questions — 5 Comments

  1. How about even nominating petitions for *politically incorrect candidates* ??? Nader, etc. ???

    How many PURGE lists of petition signers have been compiled by the usual suspect left/right party hack gangs ???

    Any list of signers of petitions in 1775-1776 pro or con for U.S.A. independence ???

    Any copies sent to King George III and his killer stooges ???

    ANY pro-slavery petitions in the free States in 1860 ???

    ANY anti-slavery petitions in the slave States in 1860 ???

    Thus — How STUPID are the MORON party hacks on SCOTUS – even with any of their anonymous per curiam opinions about anything ???

  2. I wonder how many child molesters would love to see who signed petitions to get tougher on sex offenders?

  3. Any petitions by any party hacks calling for the repeal of ALL of the 27 Amendments to the nearly dead U.S.A. Constitution ???

    — i.e. to bring back slavery, women being chattels, etc. etc.

    or even a petition to repeal the DOI and make the U.S.A. area a giant colony of slaves absolutely controlled by the U.K. monarchy ???

  4. Wow, whenever I’m depressed I can rely on Demo Rep’s completely irrelevant racism towards the UK to cheer me up.

  5. # 4 How about reading the DOI 4 July 1776 and the earlier Common Sense by Thomas Paine (Jan. 1776) regarding the then British regime ??? Both are on the internet in many places.

    At least some noises for reform in the New Age U.K. regime – fewer gerrymander districts and the Alt.V. (aka IRV) math for the U.K. House of Commons.

    The U.S.A. is stuck in the political DARK AGE of EVIL minority rule gerrymanders and unequal ballot access laws.

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