National Public Radio Features Story on Independent Party of Oregon

National Public Radio of Oregon has this story about the Independent Party, which is holding an internet privately-financed primary this summer.  Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


National Public Radio Features Story on Independent Party of Oregon — 1 Comment

  1. The editor of this article is obviously a Democrat, or else the “underhanded” title of “Oregon Voters Flock To Independent Party — Whether They Mean To Or Not” would probably have not have been used. Democrats and Republicans both know voters are fed up with both major parties. They see voters of all philosophical stripes moving to the “Independent” category. In states, like Oregon, where laws allow voters to actually register as “Independent Party” members, the voters are naturally migrating to such a listing. This is happening in Florida, and is happening also in California via the AIP though still some refuse to recognize it as such.

    Richard probably knows for fact, but in some states voters are even now prohibited from using the word “Independent” in any political affiliation registration or political appellation. I look for more states to attempt to stop this hemorrhage by implementing similar legislation.

    The word “Independent” describes those who simply don’t like what they see both the Democratic and Republican parties becoming.

    I may be long-gone from this world when this happens, but I believe the day is coming when 80 to 90 percent of voters in the United States will call themselves “Independents,” and legislatures – even Congress – may be forced to accomodate their voting rights by creating an “Independent Primary” so they can nominate candidates for public office. Democrats and Republicans parties – if they still exist, will be referred to as “fringe” parties. What poetic justice.

    So who knows, we still may get back to what George Washington desired of us in the very beginning. No parties and no factions.

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