Las Vegas Sun Article on Sharron Angle Also Discusses Constitution Party’s Attitude Toward Religion

This Las Vegas Sun article, published July 18, is about Sharron Angle, the Republican Party nominee for U.S. Senate who was once active in the Independent American Party of Nevada, that state’s affiliate of the Constitution Party.  The second half of that article also reports on the Constitution Party’s views about religion.  It quotes people on both sides as to whether the Constitution Party supports the ideas of R. J. Rushdoony, who advocated that Old Testament Law be enacted as U.S. civil law.


Las Vegas Sun Article on Sharron Angle Also Discusses Constitution Party’s Attitude Toward Religion — 6 Comments

  1. I would be the last person in the world to question Sharron Angle’s Faith in God and her Christian beliefs.

    But I cannot help but wonder what her position is on the legalized institution of Gambling – one of if not the major industries of Nevada?

    A true Christian cannot accept or condone Gambling whether it is legalized by the state of not. Again, I wonder where Sharron Angle stands on Gambling?

  2. #1- Would you agree that gambling falls under the 10th Amendment, meaning each state has a right to decide? (Running for the Senate, if she had to, she could duck the question stating that it is a decision left to the state of Nevada.) It has troubled me that all sorts of billboards went up within the past 12 months in my state as they legalized gambling at a horsetrack about an hour away.

  3. Aren’t there several references to the casting of lots in the bible? That would be gambling. These narrow minded litmus tests are why the so-called Christians are falling into discredit. I wish people would learn to think and speak for themselves. Please do not presume to take upon yourself the ability to judge who is and isn’t a true anything. I’m just saying…

  4. To Craig M. Yes, Gambling falls under the 10th Amendment. This is not the question or the point. Gambling destroys lifes, families, creates debt, steals from breadwinners and wipes out savings. It also is linked to organized crime.

    It is not a question of whether Gambling is a state or a federal matter – it is an issue which is doing harm to people (and innocent children) and communities across the U.S. You obviously are a “libertarian” and that’s the problem with you libertarians. You only see the “constitutional” side of an issue – not the hurt and pain such an issue causes. The founding fathers recognized the “general welfare” was a responsibility of government – federal or state – but you libertarians can’t see this. This is why you libertarians will never be a major party in the country.

    To Northern Exposure, casting lots is in the Bible, but there is no Scripture which speaks of such positively. Casting of lots or legalized Gambling, inculcates the deceptive “something for nothing” philosophy in the minds of people, and hurts the poor most of all. I never said Sharron Angle is not a Christian. I said “A true Christian cannot accept or condone Gambling whether it is legalized by the state of not.”

  5. Naturally, the article is biased, but a little fair on the IAP.

    Some members of the CP, including Phillips are “Reconstructionist” oriented, but the CP itself is NOT a vehicle for such a pathetic idealogy. Such people did try to take over the CP though, but we fought them and won.

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