Link to Elena Kagan’s Senior Thesis on the History of the Socialist Party in New York City

Elena Kagan, President Obama’s latest nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, wrote her senior thesis on the history of the Socialist Party in New York city.  Here is a link to that paper.  It is 130 pages long, and was submitted in April 1981.  Kagan graduated from Princeton University as a history major.  Thanks to Jack Ross for the link.


Link to Elena Kagan’s Senior Thesis on the History of the Socialist Party in New York City — 5 Comments

  1. Well, maybe she will be more willing to respect the 1st and 14th Amendment rights of non-major parties and their supporters.

  2. How about the Donkey/Communist Party history since 1800 ???

    P.R. and App.V. — even for New Age party hack SCOTUS persons.

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