On July 22, independent candidate Ieshuh Griffin filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Milwaukee, over the state elections office refusal to print her partisan label on the November ballot. She is running for Assembly, 10th district, and wants “Not the ‘whiteman’s bitch’ ” on the ballot. The state elections office won’t print that. The law says independent candidates can choose up to five words to describe their political principle.
The case is Griffin v Government Accountability Board, 10-cv-617. It has been assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Randa. Here is her Complaint.
One has to wonder if this candidate wants to be taken seriously or not.
I would say not.
But the issue itself is very important.
The issue may be important but this is not a good test case. I think that it is in the interest of the state, and the people of the state, to disallow absurdities utilized as partisan names.
How about a *Party Hack MORON* label ??? Free advertising.
To “Demo Rep” (#5): That would just be another absurdity. Politics should be for serious people who actually care about the candidates and the issues – and vote in elections (unlike Meg Whitman, Republican Party nominee for Governor of California).