Wyoming Democratic Voters Nominate Two Statewide Candidates by Write-in, but Both Decline to Run in November

Wyoming held primaries on August 17.  No candidates filed to appear on the Democratic Primary ballot for either Auditor or Treasurer.  But Wyoming Democratic voters nominated Keith Goodenough for Auditor, and Worth Christie for Treasurer, via write-in votes.  The state law requires a write-in candidate in a primary to outpoll all opponents, and in addition to poll at least 25 write-in votes.  Goodenough received 31 write-ins, and Christie received 30 write-ins, so they were nominated.

But, they both have told the Secretary of State that they do not accept their nominations.  Wyoming does not require write-in candidates to file a declaration of write-in candidacy before any primary or election in order to have their write-ins counted.  However, the write-ins are not canvassed unless someone asks for a tally no later than two days after the primary or election.  See this story.  Thanks to Mike Fellows for the link.


Wyoming Democratic Voters Nominate Two Statewide Candidates by Write-in, but Both Decline to Run in November — 1 Comment

  1. Donkeys 00 few and far between in the WY mountains — like the few and far between Elephants in MA.

    NONPARTISAN elected executive/judicial officers in ALL regimes — via Approval Voting.

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