Vermont Independent Candidate Asks for Expedited Hearing in Lawsuit Against June Petition Deadline

On September 22, Jerry Trudell, an independent candidate for U.S. House in Vermont, asked a state Superior Court to expedite his lawsuit, challenging the constitutionality of Vermont’s June 24 deadline for his petition.  The Vermont legislature this year moved the deadline from early September to mid-June.  Vermont holds its primary in August.  Trudell tried to file his petition a few days before the primary, but the Secretary of State refused to accept it.  His lawsuit had been filed on August 24.

It is possible a hearing will be held on September 24.  If Trudell wins, there will be five candidates on the Vermont ballot for U.S. House.  The others will be the nominees of the Democratic, Republican, and Socialist Parties, and one other independent, Gus Jaccaci.  Here is Trudell’s brief.

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