Atlanta Progressive News Begins Series of Articles About Georgia Ballot Access Laws

Matthew Cardinale, a reporter for the Atlanta Progressive News, is authoring a series of articles about Georgia’s ballot access laws.  Here is the first article.  Very few people in Georgia understand that state’s ballot access laws, and even political reporters and bloggers frequently make factual errors when they describe those laws.  But Cardinale’s article is perfectly accurate.


Atlanta Progressive News Begins Series of Articles About Georgia Ballot Access Laws — 5 Comments

  1. What State does NOT have separate and UNEQUAL ballot access laws for ALL candidates for same office ???

    P.R. and App.V.

  2. Wisconsin:

    As I remember, every candidate for elective office needs the same number of signatures for that office – old party, new party, independent – ballot status makes no difference. Of course ballot status party candidates must then win their primary and other candidates go straight to the general election.

    The number of signatures required is a tad high, but not insurmountable. Any serious candidate can gather the signatures needed.

    It’s equal, except for President where party status allows the Presidential nominee of a ballot qualified party on with no signatures.

    Richard can confirm if this is correct or not.

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