Survey USA Poll Shows Big “Other” Vote in California

On October 4, SurveyUSA published a poll for three California statewide contests:  Governor, U.S. Senator, Lieutenant Governor.  The poll shows Democrats leading all three contests, and a significant “other” percentage, especially for Lieutenant Governor.

For Governor, the poll shows:  Jerry Brown, Democrat, 47%; Meg Whitman, Republican, 43%, “other” 8%, undecided 2%.

For U.S. Senator, Barbara Boxer, Democrat, 46%; Carly Fiorina, Republican, 43%; “other” 9%, undecided 2%.

For Lieutenant Governor, Gavin Newsom, Democrat, 42%; Abel Maldonado, Republican 37%; “other” 19%; undecided 3%.

UPDATE:  a David Binder poll for Attorney General, released October 6, also shows a big vote for minor party nominees for Attorney General.  See that story here.  It shows Kamala Harris, Democrat, 30%; Steve Cooley, Republican, 27%; a minor party nominee 11%; undecided 32%.


Survey USA Poll Shows Big “Other” Vote in California — 4 Comments

  1. The latest poll for Governor in Minnesota (from MPR and the Humphrey Institute) has other/undecided at 20%. The same poll had it at 19% a month ago. Even with those high numbers, all of the polls still only include three of the seven candidates. The other four candidates are kept out of the debates and candidate screening events because they aren’t polling over 5%. But there aren’t any polls that include them. We really need one organization to step up and do a poll to see if there are one or two of the minor party candidates that have a 5% share within that 20% “other” category. It’s even worse for downticket races, like State Auditor, where there is no polling at all, and they’re still using that polling criterion to keep candidates out of debates and even voter guides.

  2. We’re all Americans. As, I was taught, and the Green Party’s Petra Kelly advocated we should love and respect each other.

    It sure does test one’s spirit and soul all this exclusion of Green Party folk.

    Gotta keep on keepin’ on, as the song goes.

  3. It is too much work to ask people if they have a specific person in mind. haha. Within 10 years it will be normal for Congress to be comprised of 4 or 5 parties…..for now, however, the pollsters must do their best to push against the inevitable….

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