Three States That Elect Governor and Lieutenant Governor Jointly Have “Half-Tickets” on Ballot

Alaska, New York and Wisconsin are among the states that elect the candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor jointly.  The candidates for each party are listed in one space on the ballot, and the voter must choose a team.

Nevertheless, Alaska, New York, and Wisconsin this year have printed on the ballot tickets that include a candidate for one office, but not the other one.  In Alaska, the Alaskan Independence Party will appear on the November ballot with Don Wright for Governor and no one for Lieutenant Governor.  The Alaskan Independence Party had also appeared on the November 1998 ballot with a candidate for Governor but not for Lieutenant Governor, so there was a precedent that Alaska permits “half-tickets.”

In New York, the Rent is 2 Damn High Party is listed on the ballot with a candidate for Governor, but none for Lieutenant Governor.

In Wisconsin this year, the Libertarian Party appears on the November ballot with no one for Governor, but someone for Lieutenant Governor.  Also there are two independent candidates on the Wisconsin ballot for Governor, but neither has a Lieutenant Governor running mate.  See this story about the Wisconsin situation.  The article says the Libertarian candidate for Governor failed to gather 2,000 “votes” to get himself on the primary ballot, but the article ought to say “signatures.”  Thanks to Kimberly Wilder for the New York information.

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