Some Nevada Ballots Abbreviate “Tea Party” as “TPN”

Some counties in Nevada do not print the full names of political parties on the ballot, but abbreviate them.  Scott Ashjian, nominee of the “Nevada Tea Party”, is disappointed that the counties that abbreviate are printing “TPN” next to his name on the ballot.  He feels “TEA” would be better.  See this story.

One aspect of the newspaper story is deficient.  The story, from the Las Vegas Sun, says that Ashjian is injuring the chances of Republican nominee Sharron Angle.  However, objective, neutral poll data shows that is not true.  Thanks to Glenn Brown for the news about the abbreviation issue.


Some Nevada Ballots Abbreviate “Tea Party” as “TPN” — 6 Comments

  1. Common sense would dictate that the party would be able to pick the abbreviation as long as it wasn’t vulgar and the number of characters allowed was already indicated by law……..but then again, common sense and politics rarely mix….

  2. Do the voters have a list of the parties going with the abbreviations ???

    Any DUM, STU, MOR, IDI for you know what regimes ???

  3. Well tough sh*t for him, BTW there’s still that one lawsuit against him left- the one that Fasano filed.

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