The Florida Senate Ethics and Elections Committee recently issued a report, suggesting new election laws for 2011. One of the ideas is to impose a prior affiliation requirement on independent candidates. No one could be an independent candidate if he or she had been a member of a qualified party during the previous 18 months before the election. This idea is prompted by hostility toward Governor Charlie Crist, who became an independent candidate earlier this year even while he was still a registered Republican.
The South East Super-state Parliament Circuit #5
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, plus the territories of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands
Rob Elliott [Independent], Michael Fox [Independent], Milton Kowinowski [Independent], Darryl W. Perry [Boston Tea], Josh Ondich [Conservative Populist], Tim Mason [Green], Eric Stevenson [Pizza], S.M.Basford [Republican], Jack Clayton [What’s A Matter U], John Buchanan [Citizen Candidate], C.J. Smith [Pot], Russ Laundry [No Illegal Alien], Brian Moore [Socialist USA], Jason Rogoski [Whig]
Every election is NEW and has ZERO to do with ANY prior stuff in world history — much too difficult for MORON lawyers and judges to understand.
Here’s an idea… eliminate “parties” and make ALL candidates be “independent”… i.e. non-partisan elections!
Darryl, this could be a precursor to such an action.
I am not opposed to such an action because I believe that it would actually make many of the smaller parties more popular.
I have not done an actual study of it but from prior knowledge I would say that at least 30% of the NPA or independent candidates are registered Republican or Democrat in this years Florida Elections.
I believe that the Republicans and Democrat party’s would lose 5% to 8% of their registered members if this was the case.
Different Direction: Because of what was titled Prop 11 on the 1998 ballot (sponsored by the Libertarian Party of Florida and won with a 63% vote) under this proposial it could cause many races to have 20 or 25 contestents in the general elections and would eliminate many of the primary elections in Florida.
Talk about headaches for the elections division. Serve them right. 🙂
John, totally off topic, but have you endorsed anyone for Governor?
It really sucks the way the BOE screwed you & JJ.
Yes, I have endorsed Peter Allen.
Peter Allen supported me in 2006 and I was on his radio show several times. We do have disagreements but we are good friends and he is closer to me than any of the others.
Sotomayor & Co. will protect the major parties invading the independent candidate nominating process.