Matt Damon Endorses Voting for Working Families Party Nominees

On October 25, Matt Damon, famous movie star, called on all New York voters to vote only for Working Families Party nominees.  It is odd that he didn’t include an endorsement of Working Families Party nominees in other states where that party is on the ballot, namely Connecticut, Delaware, Oregon, and South Carolina.  The Working Families Party is also listed on Vermont ballots, but Vermont ballots do not permit a voter to choose which party line to vote for a candidate on, when that candidate has the nomination of two parties.  All Working Families nominees in Vermont are also Democratic nominees.

See this story about Damon’s endorsement.  Thanks to Gene Berkman for the link.


Matt Damon Endorses Voting for Working Families Party Nominees — 4 Comments

  1. Mr. Damon, just because you are in movies doesn’t mean we are interested in your non-movie views.

  2. I couldn’t check “yes” for voting WFP, however I am a member of WFP in NYS, however my legal address is in VT, where voters unfortunately can’t choose a party if the candidate is endorsed by more than one party. I will, however, be voting for WFP endorsed candidates.

  3. I watched the video by Damon and nowhere did he mention Andrew Cuomo or any of the other Democrats the WFP has endorsed on its line. He kept using the term “progressive” to describe the WFP, but does that describe the statewide ticket they’ve endorsed? I think not.

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