The Libertarian Party national committee meets in New Orleans on November 20-21, and will choose the city that hosts the national convention of 2012. The committee will also set the dates of that convention.
The Libertarian Party national committee meets in New Orleans on November 20-21, and will choose the city that hosts the national convention of 2012. The committee will also set the dates of that convention.
Best location and time is in Central California around February 1st, 2011.
The South Super-state Parliament Circuit #6
Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee
Vanessa Morley [Defender of the Republic], CR Carter [Libertarian/Republican], Kirk Joseph [Independent], George Morrison [Freedom], Millich Person [Info. Not Avail.], William Lee Mayers [Pot], Thorn [Pot], Steven C. Dobbs [Pot], C.L.Gammon [Liberty First], Josh Sasser [Independent], Wendy [Unsure], Robert Davenport [Pot], Lucy Star [Pot]
I vote for Dallas!