Republican Presidential Debates Already Being Set Up

Already, in several states, dates and places have been chosen for Republican presidential debates.  See this story.  The earliest one will be in the spring of 2011, at the Ronald Reagan library in Simi Valley, California.  No Republican has formally declared for the presidential nomination yet.


Republican Presidential Debates Already Being Set Up — 4 Comments

  1. Debates NOW — 24/7 — which of the New Age party hack Donkey/Elephant wannabee Prezs has ANY brains about minority rule gerrymanders in the U.S.A., the econ insanity of having govt deficits in peacetime, having undeclared WARS, etc. etc.

    —- OR are they ALL like certain New Age AIRHEAD moron candidates ??? — i.e. ALL mouth and NO brains.

  2. P.R. and App.V. — NO debates needed — which have been brain dead since 1960 — Donkey Kennedy vs. Elephant Nixon — apparently way before many of the folks on this list were born.

    How many debates in Barbarian areas in Asia and elsewhere — about ANY thing ???

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