U.S. House Curtails Power of Delegates from D.C., Overseas Territories

On January 5, the U.S. House of Representatives changed its rules, to provide that Delegates from the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa, may no longer vote on whether to amend bills. See this story.


U.S. House Curtails Power of Delegates from D.C., Overseas Territories — No Comments

  1. Gee – such folks are NOT from a STATE of the UNION —

    14th Amdt, Sec. 2.

    Const Amdt-
    Uniform definition of Elector in ALL of the U.S.A.
    P.R. and App.V.

    – so that ALL Electors-Voters can elect a U.S.A. Rep.

    Way too difficult for the worse and worse EVIL party hack gerrymander MONSTERS in Dumb City to understand.

  2. Couple of thoughts:
    1-In the 21st Century, why does the USA still have territories?? Both parties should know that the Age of Imperialism is long over. Time to give independence or merge them with the State they are geographically closest to.
    2-DC: Citizens pay taxes, sit on juries, have served in all wars, etc etc. SO…enact the DC Voting Rights bill and let the SCOTUS decide its validity. What is the GOP really afraid of??
    3-Courts previously ruled that Delegates could participate in the Committee of the Whole. Is is just a coincidence that DC and the Territories are primarily made of people of color and the GOP is again revealing its racist element??

  3. #2 Where hava lot of folks been since 1964 — i.e. the rise of the Elephants among white voters in the ex-slave southern States ???

    Get ready for lots of yelling about black majority gerrymander districts in such southern States via the 1965 VRA.

    i.e. — What percentage of non-white folks happen to be leftwing Donkeys — especially since 1930-1932 in early Great Depression I ???

  4. Since there is remaining territory of both Michigan Territory and Hawai’i Territory that was not included
    in a state, when will the remainder of Michigan Territory and Hawai’i Territory get its delegates to the
    House of Representives.

    Since the house Republicans will not give the territories delegates voting rights, why not go back to the practise in the early congresses of the 19th century
    and give these Delegate to Congress seating in the US
    Senate (the other house)?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independennt Party.

    P.S. I recall back in the 1970’s at Young American for
    Freedom Conventions that the Delegation of YAFer from
    Puerto Rico wanted those conventions to support the admisssion of Puerto Rico as the 51st state. The Puerto
    Rico delegation with the other delegates to the YAF conventions always voted no on the idea of making the
    District of Columbia a state.

    Also back in 1981 YAF convention the delegations from different parts of Canada raise the idea of part of Canada becoming United States states under the terms of
    the Articles of Confederation. The issue was first they
    needed an end to the Crows Net Agreement and let Quebec
    get its independence. Since, I have dual citizenship,
    viz, my mother was born in Canada as a British subject
    (my maternal grand parents were married in Dublin, Ireland and I support a one Ireland policy, I thought these issues had some foundation?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg

  5. TO Don Lake

    Thank you for your comment it is my own opinion and not that of the AIP.

    TO Richard Winger,

    Not getting into the heads of the 18 delegates to Congress that sat in New York, when the others met in the City of Brotherly Love, drafting the Constitution,
    Majority Leader Harry Reid could get the 51 votes needed
    to let the Delegates to Congress striped by the Republicans in the House of Representives, seated in the
    U.S. Senate through the rules of that body “with the right to debate, but not voting” on the Senate Floor.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg

  6. # 6 How about abolishing the gerrymander Senate – having lots of blowhard MORON Donkey/Elephant *provincial* Senators from the many below average States ???

    P.R. and App.V. in ALL regimes.

  7. TO Demo Rep;

    What do you mean by “provincial”? Are you talking about adding parts of Canada to the United States after the
    repeal of the Crows Nest Agreement or are you just saying the membership of the Senate are just promoting
    there own special interest?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  8. # 8 The *provincial* thinking of the party hacks in the small States of the gerrymander Senate.

    The Senate was part of the EVIL compromises setting up the U.S.A. gerrymander regime —

    slaves = 3/5 census person
    min 1 U.S.A. rep per State — no matter how small
    2 Senators per gerrymander State – no matter how big
    Electoral College math – U.S.A. Reps + 2 Senators

    ONE GIANT EVIL rotted to its EVIL core gerrymander system.

    2011 — now paying the price for 222 years of EVIL math — 1789-2011 — national bankruptcy — lunatic Congress folks, etc.

  9. TO: Richard Winger,

    Check out Senate Bill 2-31 in the Guam Senate. It was drafted by Senator Frank Blas, Jr. It calls for Guam to
    send two delegates to the United States Senate. Suggestion you should post the language because I have
    not read it yet.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

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