Ohio Secretary of State Leaves Four Minor Parties on Ballot for 2011

On January 6, Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner issued Directive 2011-01, which says that the Constitution, Green, Libertarian, and Socialist Parties will be qualified parties during 2011. The only regularly-scheduled partisan elections in Ohio in 2011 are in several cities. However, it is always possible that there will be special elections for U.S. House, if a current member of the U.S. House resigns or dies.

There are no special legislative elections in Ohio. When a member of the legislature dies or resigns, the party of that former member chooses a replacement. Thanks to Steve Linnabary for the news about the directive. Ohio does not now have a valid law regulating minor party ballot access, because it was declared unconstitutional in 2006 and has not yet been replaced by the legislature.


Ohio Secretary of State Leaves Four Minor Parties on Ballot for 2011 — No Comments

  1. Keep suing the MORONS for $$$ damages until there is a CONSTITUTIONAL ballot access law.

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