Washington State Bill to Require Paid Circulators to Register with Secretary of State

Washington State Senator Sharon Nelson (D-West Seattle) has introduced SB 5297. It requires circulators for a ballot measure or a recall to register with the Secretary of State, if they are paid by a “signature gathering business.” Circulators must register within 72 hours after collecting their first signature. They must register separately for each petition that they circulate. They must submit a photo of themselves that shows face, neck and shoulders. They must keep this photo and a copy of their registration papers with them while they are working, and show them to anyone who asks.

Any paid circulator who “knowingly submits one invalid signature” is barred from registering again for five years. Paid circulators who don’t follow the law may be fined up to $500.

The bill only covers paid circulators who work for a “signature gathering business”, but not circulators who work directly for a candidate or a political party. “Signature gathering business” is defined as a business whose primary activity or primary source of revenue is gathering signatures for ballot measures, initiatives, or recall petitions.” Thanks to Ballot Box News for news of this bill.


Washington State Bill to Require Paid Circulators to Register with Secretary of State — No Comments

  1. Would the Brits have LOVED to known who was circulating ANY petitions hostile toward the Brit regime in 1761-1775 in the American colonies ???

    Ditto in the slave State regimes in 1776-1865 ???

    SUE for $$$ damages to bankrupt the TYRANTS.

  2. “Signature gathering business” is defined as a business whose primary activity or primary source of revenue is gathering signatures for ballot measures, initiatives, or recall petitions.”

    So, proponents can create in-house petition divisions that pay petitioners directly rather than hiring petition companies, and the individual petitioners would not have to register, correct?

  3. Nebraska’s Sec. State has introduced similar measure. It also requires sponsor to provide a numbered name badge for paid and volunteer circulators and submit list of circulators. Its getting old already.

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