New York Village Elections Less Than 7 Weeks Away, Yet Some Villages Still Don't Know Which Vote-Counting Systems They Will be Using

Here is a newspaper commentary by Bronxville, New York Mayor Mary C. Marvin, explaining that even though elections for Village Mayors and Trustees are set for only seven weeks from now (March 15), the village still doesn’t know what vote-counting systems it will be using. The mechanical voting machines still exist but it is illegal to use them. The state also says that it is illegal for the village to use old-fashioned paper ballots, for voters who come to the polls. And if the villages uses the kind of paper ballots that are scanned, the scanners are under the exclusive control of the County Board of Elections and the county may charge the village a great deal of money to borrow them.

A bill is pending in the New York state legislature to let villages uses the mechanical voting machines during 2011, but it is apparently unlikely to pass and be signed into law in time to help with this problem.

Bronxville is a village in Westchester County, and should not be confused with Bronx borough in New York city.


New York Village Elections Less Than 7 Weeks Away, Yet Some Villages Still Don't Know Which Vote-Counting Systems They Will be Using — No Comments

  1. When will SCOTUS bring down another HAMMER on EVIL MORONS in the rotted States ??

    See Bush v. Gore 2000 — NO definition of a LEGAL vote.

    See the 2002 HAVA law.

    How many times has SCOTUS had *right to vote* cases ???

    Will it take another Union Army to liberate the People of New York from its EVIL rotted to the core party hacks ???

  2. Here in New Paltz, we hold our elections on the first Tuesday in May (as opposed to the traditional third Tuesday in March in most other villages in New York) and I’ll be asking my village board tomorrow night what plans are being made to conduct our election. We have more time than most but I don’t think we’ve got a plan either.

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