South Carolina Bill Eliminates Need for Legal Size Paper for Petitions

Two South Carolina State Senators have introduced S282, which changes the mandatory size of ballot access petitions from 8.5-inch by 14-inch paper, to 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper. This is a worthwhile idea, because candidates and parties have trouble distributing petition blanks via the internet to their supporters at home, because most home printers can’t cope with 14-inch paper very well. The sponsors are Senator Tom Davis (R-Beaufort) and Senator Michael Rose (R-Summerville).


South Carolina Bill Eliminates Need for Legal Size Paper for Petitions — No Comments

  1. Medium is gone. The televised Psycho drama has had it’s ‘final final’ on CBS. Limited to reruns. So Patricia Arquette is now ‘Medium Rare’.

    * argh ………. *

  2. Where is that Model Election Law also having electronic signatures ???

    See the New Age business signature stuff.

    As usual govts are about 10 to 100 plus years behind the times.

  3. This not a good idea. It would require two sheets of
    letter size paper to only one sheet of legal.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

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