Indiana Bill to Convert Open Primary into a Secret Open Primary

Indiana representative Dan Stevenson (D-Highland) has introduced HB 1139. It would convert Indiana’s open primary into the kind of open primary in which the primary voter need not publicly disclose which party’s primary is being used. Currently, a primary voter may choose any party’s primary ballot, but must make the choice publicly. The bill would give each primary voter the chance to decide, in the privacy of the voting booth, which party’s primary to use.


Indiana Bill to Convert Open Primary into a Secret Open Primary — No Comments

  1. This would create a problem for someone from Indiana that would like to move to California and then run for public offiice.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg
    Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  2. How many EVIL top party hacks keep records about which voters are voting in each party hack primary in NONSECRET open primary States — i.e. have PURGE lists ??? — Think Stalin and Hitler in 1933-1945.

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