Hawaii Bill to Make Public Birth Certificates of Prominent Persons Dies

The Hawaii House has killed HB 1116, which would have made it possible for the state to release the birth certificates of prominent persons, if the person requesting the information paid $100. See this story.


Hawaii Bill to Make Public Birth Certificates of Prominent Persons Dies — No Comments

  1. It was probably cancelled because of the rumors that Sun Yat Sen has the same “certificate of live birth” in Hawaii that Obama has, thus rendering the document useless in proving his (or anyone’s) birthplace.

    The very existance of “birthers” is just a sign of failure of openness in the Obama administration, regardless of where he was born. So we either have a foreign-born (illegal) president, or a president that hides and withholds things that needn’t and shouldn’t be withheld. Either one is not good.

    God I hope for a valid alternative in 2012.

  2. U.S.A. citizen fathers = Natural born U.S.A. citizen kids.

    FOREIGN fathers = FOREIGN kids

    — regardless of physical place of birth — inside or outside any nation state, on the high seas or in outer space.

    think invaders (in regular or not so regular gangs/tribes), ship wrecks, etc. — with women having physical births.

    If the late J. Kennedy had been in France in 1961-1963 and had a kid born there, would that kid have been a U.S.A. citizen or a French citizen ???

    Ditto for any wife of any U.S.A. citizen father.

    Difficult only for FOREIGN folks in the U.S.A. to understand — and the domestic folks who LOVE illegal foreign INVADERS being in the U.S.A. ???

  3. I hate to sully a perfectly good word by applying it to your gibberish, Demo Rep, but by your reasoning nobody descended from the original settlers in the 13 British colonies would be a US citizen, since the first father would be considered “foreign” and all his children would be too.

    And since all the people who have emigrated to the US since then are by your definition foreigners, then there are no US citizens. Except Native Americans.

  4. #4,5 Only New Age political history MORONS can not detect that on 4 July 1776 ALL loyal AMERICANS in the 13 new SOVEREIGN independent nation-States became natural born U.S.A. Citizens — with their kids under age 21.

    Attention MORONS — see the last paragraph of the DOI.

    4 July 1776 U.S.A. fathers — kids are NBC — and their kids, etc.

    Foreign fathers naturalized – after taking the Oath of ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.A. — kids are NBC.

    ALL others – Foreign ALIENS — invaders, ship wrecked, sex slaves, legal tourists, legal students, etc.

    How many political history and constitutional law MORONS are on this list — esp. those having NO ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.A. Constitution (even with its ANTI-Democracy defects) ???

    Much more than in the general public — or even on SCOTUS ???

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