Incumbent Member of Columbus School Board Will Seek Re-Election by Write-in Votes

Gary L. Baker, an incumbent member of the Columbus, Ohio, School Board, will run for re-election this November as a write-in candidate. He failed to get on the ballot because the paid petitioner he hired to collect his signatures apparently forged many signatures. Four seats are up for election, and there will either be three or four candidates listed on the ballot. Obviously if there are only three candidates listed on the ballot, it will be easy for Baker to obtain enough write-in votes to be the fourth victor. However, it is possible the ballot will list four candidates. Another candidate was told he was only 21 signatures short, and he is contesting that ruling. See this story.

Columbus, Ohio, is the 16th largest city in the U.S., and had an estimated population in 2009 of 769,360, about the size of a typical U.S. House district. It is rare for anyone to win as a write-in candidate in a jurisdiction that large. Thanks to Steve Linnabary for the link.


Incumbent Member of Columbus School Board Will Seek Re-Election by Write-in Votes — 2 Comments

  1. mike wiles won the last election for Columbus school board this way, its pretty common in Columbus for this to happen.

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