Britain Starts to See Campaign Ads for and Against Instant-Runoff Voting

British voters are starting to see advertising on the May 5 referendum on whether to use Instant-Runoff Voting to elect members of the House of Commons. See this BBC story. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Britain Starts to See Campaign Ads for and Against Instant-Runoff Voting — No Comments

  1. Current ROT in the U.K. House of Commons —

    Each MP gets elected by a plurality in the 650 gerrymander districts.

    Result about 22 percent ANTI-Democracy minority rule — now by a Cons/LibDem coalition.
    Alt.Vote ROT — IF the Alt.Vote scheme is approved on 5 May 2011 —

    Each MP would get elected by a manufactured AltV/ IRV majority in 600 larger gerrymander districts — i.e. more Labour city ghetto districts.

    Result about 30 percent ANTI-Democracy minority rule — with the LibDems dreaming of being the balance of power between the Cons and Labour — but more likely facing total destruction between the Cons and Labour gangs.

    The baby stuff is truly EVIL in the ad in the link story — due to the EVIL robot party hacks in control of the ads.

    The EVIL party hacks had many chances to have P.R. in the Alt. Vote bill/Act but the party hack top robots did the math and were not happy having a REAL Democracy in the U.K.

    i.e. Total Votes / Total Seats = Democracy — was rejected by the EVIL party hack monarchs/oligarchs.

    Thus the STONE AGE / DARK AGE U.K. regime with NO written constitution attempts to stagger on.

  2. Will be voting against in the hopes that it’ll be enough not to cut down the number of MP’s.

    We haven’t had less than 625 MP’s for the entire history of the United Kingdom (1801+), and the population then was only 16,345,646 including the entirety of Ireland; and far far less electorate to take part in it!

    The 1801 election had 658 seats, or roughly 1 per 24,840 persons. Now we are represented by roughly 1 per 95,450 and the drop to 600 seats would raise this about the 6 figure mark to over 103,400.

    We should have gone beyond the 700 mark by now, not trying to break the 600 one downwards.

  3. How many of the MPs have ANY real power — 50 of the current 650 ???

    There is also the EVIL corruption of having party hack robot govt ministers in the House of Commons — having both legislative and executive powers — a BLATANT violation of separation of powers — i.e. 2/3 tyrants.

    If the Alt.Vote scheme is approved, then the percentage of party hack ministers will go UP — making the House of Commons even more of a Prime Minister / tyrant stooge assembly.

    The TOTAL rot in the House of Lords is a separate ANTI-Democracy disaster — since its formation by the killer kings and the early nobility gangsters.

  4. Well, personally I do believe that MP’s are representative of their local areas, any drop of MP’s makes those areas larger and encompassing more people. In this event, Rural areas suffer more as they are so sparsely populated it takes a much larger region to make up the population quota planned by the Lib Dems.

    MP’s do have a lot of personal power and are instrumental in supporting their constituents regardless of their political affiliation; from local businesses, to trade links with foreign towns and cities and the building of new road links; the suggestion that they have “any real power” is a pretty lame and useless attack even by you Demo Rep.

    This sort of question of representation isn’t so bad in countries like the US, or even the constituent countries of the UK such as Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland because they have state bodies that act as the regional political level. England continues to go without its own Parliament, meaning Westminster UK MP’s are the only representation they gain outside of local councils.

  5. How many of the MPs got elected with less than 40 percent of the gerrymander district votes in 2010 ???

    The Brits have the word *Back Benchers* for the party hack robots who vote according to the dictator party hack robot whips — as dictated by the party hack top leaders on the Front Benches. See the very rare *Free Vote*.

    See the House of Commons physical layout — the 2 gangs facing each other with the stacked up benches — the 2 Front benches with the rear/back benches.

    Will the Cons/Lib Dems get a England Parliament going — as part of their alleged reforms ??? Stay tuned.

    Must be really nice to be a TYRANT top party hack robot in a regime with NO written constitution — i.e. ANY thing can happen with the Parliament in session — i.e. NO body’s life, liberty or property is *safe* for a second.

    P.R. and App.V. — in ALL regimes before it is too late.

    What is going on in Egypt, Libya, etc. ???

  6. “How many of the MPs got elected with less than 40 percent of the gerrymander district votes in 2010 ???”

    Does it matter? Take Ireland for example, their candidates which win seats rarely receive more than 35% in first preference votes and rarely get elected in the first count before candidates get elimated and their votes redistributed. Given that second (and beyond) preferences are used as rough ideological backing when your preferred candidate doesn’t win, is there any real difference? If anything, its diluted further in non-FPTP systems.

    “The Brits have the word *Back Benchers* for the party hack robots who vote according to the dictator party hack robot whips — as dictated by the party hack top leaders on the Front Benches. See the very rare *Free Vote*.”

    We have another one too, called “Back Bencher Revolt” which is more common than you might think. Just because there is a whip, doesn’t mean everyone votes the line.

  7. #2 — The May5th referendum has nothing to do with the number of MP’s at this point. That was part of the legislative package, but is now a done deal. The May 5th vote is only up or down on AV.

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